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Network vision

(vision, purpose, strategy, values and goals)


A.    Vision. Vision paints an inspirational picture of our desired future that is compelling, provides direction and inspires participation. Our current vision statement…


“Bringing eternal hope to Colorado and Utah communities through healthy ministers, vibrant churches and Spirit-driven relevance.”


B.    Purpose.  Purpose tells us why we exist.  Our current purpose statement is…


“The purpose of the RMMN is to bring eternal hope to Colorado and Utah communities through healthy ministers, vibrant churches and Spirit-driven relevance.”


C.    Strategy. Strategy is how we will achieve our purpose and vision.  We will achieve our vision and purpose through the following five strategic initiatives.


         Empower ministers:  Credential, equip, and resource ministers.

         Resource churches:  Resource, train, and network churches.

         Build community:  Connecting, including, and collaborating.

         Spirit-driven relevance:  Spirit-inspired creativity, strategy and ministry applications that empower us to overcome unforeseen obstacles and leverage opportunities.

         Facilitate the future:  Creating future opportunities for the Assemblies of God in Colorado and Utah by establishing long-term vision, new and innovative income streams, and church multiplication.


D.    Values. Values are deeply held beliefs that declare what is important and determine culture.






         Spirit-driven ministry







E.     Goals. Goals are short objectives that are measurable and mark progress towards our vision. Once determined, they are evaluated, revised or abandoned as needed.